Thursday, 16 May 2013

Extension .cxx for ?

.c for c programs
.cpp for c++ programs
.cxx for ?

Answer: That too for C++. ".CXX" is an old-style extension for C++ source files the X is supposed to represent plus signs turned 45 degree.


Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Recursion (Recursive Function) :

Recursion (Recursive Function) :
When a function of body calls the same function then it is called as 'recursive function.'


        printf("Recursion !");

Program :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
        int no;
        printf("\nRecursion... ");
        printf("\n\n Enter Number : ");
        if (no==3)
void main()

Output :

 Enter Number : 2
 Enter Number : 1
 Enter Number : 3_

Features :

·         There should be at least one if statement used to terminate recursion.
·         It does not contain any looping statements.

Advantages :

·         It is easy to use.
·         It represents compact programming strctures.

Disadvantages :

·         It is slower than that of looping statements because each time function is called.

Note :

·         It can be applied to calculate factorial of a number, fibonancci series.

Functions in C :

The function is a self contained block of statements which performs a coherent task of a same kind.
C program does not execute the functions directly. It is required to invoke or call that functions. When a function is called in a program then program control goes to the function body. Then, it executes the statements which are involved in a function body. Therefore, it is possible to call fuction whenever we want to process that functions statements.

Types of functions :
There are 2(two) types of functions as:
1. Built in Functions
2. User Defined Functions

1. Built in Functions :
These functions are also called as 'library functions'. These functions are provided by system. These functions are stored in library files. e.g.

·         scanf()
·         printf()
·         strcpy
·         strlwr
·         strcmp
·         strlen
·         strcat

2. User Defined Functions :
The functions which are created by user for program are known as 'User defined functions'.


void main()
        // Function prototype
        // Function Call
// Function definition

Program :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void add()
        int a, b, c;
        printf("\n Enter Any 2 Numbers : ");
        scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
        c = a + b;
        printf("\n Addition is : %d",c);
void main()
        void add();

Output :

 Enter Any 2 Numbers : 23 6
 Addition is : 29_

Advantages :
·         It is easy to use.
·         Debugging is more suitable for programs.
·         It reduces the size of a program.
·         It is easy to understand the actual logic of a program.
·         Highly suited in case of large programs.
·         By using functions in a program, it is possible to construct modular and structured programs.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Structured Programming Approach

Structured Programming Approach: The basic principal of structured programming approach is to divide a program in functions and modules. The use of modules and functions makes the program more comprehensible (understandable). It helps to write cleaner code and helps to maintain control over each function. This approach gives importance to functions rather than data. It focuses on the development of large software applications. The programming languages: PASCAL and C follow this approach. 

Procedural Programming Approach

Procedural Programming Approach: This approach is top down approach. In this approach, a program is divided into functions that perform a specific task. Data is global and all the functions can access the global data. Program flow control is achieved through function calls and goto statements. This approach avoids repetition of code which is the main drawback of Monolithic Approach. The basic drawback of Procedural Programming Approach is that data is not secured because data is global and can be accessed by any function. This approach is mainly used for medium sized applications. The programming languages: FORTRAN and COBOL follow this approach. 

Monolithic Programming Approach:

Monolithic Programming Approach: In this approach, the program consists of sequence of statements that modify data. All the statements of the program are Global throughout the whole program. The program control is achieved through the use of jumps i.e. goto statements. In this approach, code is duplicated each time because there is no support for the function. Data is not fully protected as it can be accessed from any portion of the program. So this approach is useful for designing small and simple programs. The programming languages like ASSEMBLY and BASIC follow this approach. 

Jumping Statements:

Jumping Statements:

Break Statement :
Sometimes, it is necessary to exit immediately from a loop as soon as the condition is satisfied.
When break statement is used inside a loop, then it can cause to terminate from a loop. The statements after break statement are skipped.

Syntax :


Figure :

Program :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
        int i;
        for(i=1;  ; i++)
               printf("%d",i);  // 5 times only

Output :


Continue Statement :

Sometimes, it is required to skip a part of a body of loop under specific conditions. So, C supports 'continue' statement to overcome this anomaly.
The working structure of 'continue' is similar as that of that break statement but difference is that it cannot terminate the loop. It causes the loop to be continued with next iteration after skipping statements in between. Continue statement simply skipps statements and continues next iteration.

Syntax :
Figure :

Program :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
        int i;
        for(i=1; i<=10; i++)
               printf("\n\t %d",i);  // 6 is omitted

Output :


Goto Statement :

It is a well known as 'jumping statement.' It is primarily used to transfer the control of execution to any place in a program. It is useful to provide branching within a loop.
When the loops are deeply nested at that if an error occurs then it is difficult to get exited from such loops. Simple break statement cannot work here properly. In this situations, goto statement is used.

Syntax :
        goto [expr];
Figure :

Program :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
        int i=1, j;
               for(j=1; j<=3; j++)
                       printf(" * ");
                       goto stop;
               i = i + 1;
               printf("\n\n Exited !");

Output :

 *  *

Looping Statements / Iterative Statements :

Looping Statements / Iterative Statements :
'A loop' is a part of code of a program which is executed repeatedly.
A loop is used using condition. The repetition is done until condition becomes condition true.
A loop declaration and execution can be done in following ways.
o    Check condition to start a loop
o    Initialize loop with declaring a variable.
o    Executing statements inside loop.
o    Increment or decrement of value of a variable.
Basically, the types of looping statements depends on the condition checking mode. Condition checking can be made in two ways as : Before loop and after loop. So, there are 2(two) types of looping statements.
·         Entry controlled loop
·         Exit controlled loop
1. Entry controlled loop :
In such type of loop, the test condition is checked first before the loop is executed.
Some common examples of this looping statements are :
o    while loop
o    for loop
2. Exit controlled loop :
In such type of loop, the loop is executed first. Then condition is checked after block of statements are executed. The loop executed atleat one time compulsarily.
Some common example of this looping statement is :
o    do-while loop

While loop :

This is an entry controlled looping statement. It is used to repeat a block of statements until condition becomes true.


In above syntax, the condition is checked first. If it is true, then the program control flow goes inside the loop and executes the block of statements associated with it. At the end of loop increment or decrement is done to change in variable value. This process continues until test condition satisfies.

Program :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
        int a;
               printf("\n Aasaan IT Classes");
               a+=1      // i.e. a = a + 1

Output :

Aasaan IT Classes
Aasaan IT Classes
Aasaan IT Classes
Aasaan IT Classes
Aasaan IT Classes

For loop :

This is an entry controlled looping statement.
In this loop structure, more than one variable can be initilized. One of the most important feature of this loop is that the three actions can be taken at a time like variable initilisation, condition checking and increment/decrement. The for loop can be more concise and flexible than that of while and do-while loops.

for(initialisation; test-condition; incre/decre)

In above syntax, the given three expressions are seperated by ';' (Semicolon)
Features :
o    More concise
o    Easy to use
o    Highly flexible
o    More than one variable can be initilized.
o    More than one increments can be applied.
o    More than two conditions can be used.

Program :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
        int a;
        for(i=0; i<5; i++)
               printf("\n\t Aasaan IT Classes");  // 5 times

Output :

         Aasaan IT Classes
        Aasaan IT Classes
        Aasaan IT Classes
        Aasaan IT Classes
        Aasaan IT Classes

Do-While loop :

This is an exit controlled looping statement.
Sometimes, there is need to execute a block of statements first then to check condition. At that time such type of a loop is used. In this, block of statements are executed first and then condition is checked.


In above syntax, the first the block of statements are executed. At the end of loop, while statement is executed. If the resultant condition is true then program control goes to evaluate the body of a loop once again. This process continues till condition becomes true. When it becomes false, then the loop terminates.
Note: The while statement should be terminated with ; (semicolon).

Program :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
        int a;
               printf("\n\t Aasaan IT Classes");  // 5 times
               a+=1;      // i.e. a = a + 1
               printf("\n\n\t Aasaan IT Classes");  // 1 time
               a+=1;      // i.e. a = a + 1

Output :

Aasaan IT Classes
Aasaan IT Classes
Aasaan IT Classes
Aasaan IT Classes
Aasaan IT Classes
Aasaan IT Classes